SiteScan Report For

Report Generated: 2024-09-16 11:30:06 [rescan] | Report Link:
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Website Appears to be running Wordpress v5.4

Domain & CMS

てつたま – 時にはゆるーく時には真面目に哲学します。

Wordpress v5.4

Global Site Rank: 0 [details]

Theme Details

Swallow - v1.5.3

Theme Page

Author: Opencage


Plugin Details

Contact Form 7
Detected: v5.1.9

Latest: v5.9.8

Rating: 80/100 #Ratings: 2,105

URL: Link To Plugin

Tablepress responsive tables
Detected: v1.8

Yyi rinker

Easy Table of Contents
Detected: v2.0.18

Latest: v2.0.69.1

Rating: 88/100 #Ratings: 204

URL: Link To Plugin

Detected: v1.1.3

Hide featured image on all single page/post

Latest: v1.0

Rating: 92/100 #Ratings: 14

Website Diagnostics

Plugins Detected: 6

SSL Check: Not Default [Cert Details]

Google Blacklist: [details]

PageSpeed: [details]

Website Security Recommendations

Total Security Issues Found: 4
Update Wordpress - How To Update

Update The Following Plugins
Contact Form 7 [update]
Easy Table of Contents [update]

No firewall detected a Firewall is HIGHLY recommended. Setup a FREE Cloudflare firewall.

Run the following Security checks on

Malcare SiteScan | Sucuri Site Check (Malware Scan) | Virustotal Security & Blacklist Check

Hosting Information

Hosted @ Unknown


IP Address: [reverse lookup]

Potential Website Improvements

Grammatical Errors on site

During our scan we noticed several grammatical errors on your website. We highly recommend Grammarly to correct grammar mistakes before publishing.

Disclaimer: SiteScan is a free website security scanner. Remote scanners have limited access and results are not guaranteed. Security recommendations and issues shown on this page are for informational purposes only. While we do our best to pull our data from reliable sources there is no guarantee the accuracy of this report.